Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Terrain Tuesday - Fae Stones, Cork Rocks, & Putty Reviews

Over on The Lost and The Damned under "Miniatures" in the "Fantasy Painting and Modeling" section, check out the work Mortis has done on Fae Stones here.

Also, the Terrain Tutor has uploaded a video on his YouTube channel showing "How to make cork bark rock faces for your wargaming scenery."  Very cool!

Finally, late last year and early this year, on the Terranscapes YouTube channel, a couple of videos take a closer look at "Milliput, GreenStuff, & Procreate" sculpting putties.  Watch and learn.

For purposes here, the term Terrain is used broadly
to cover 3D and 2D maps, foam, felt, and such.
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