There's a good article over on about a new accessory "rolling" out at E3 called "DICE+" which you can read more about here.
Saturday, March 31, 2012
Friday, March 30, 2012
Dungeon Master Mark's Battle Arena Project Complete
YouTube's wwwdungeonmastermark has completed his Battle Arena Project and has a new YouTube video to prove it. Enjoy!
Hirst Arts,
Thursday, March 29, 2012
New GW Paints
The Citadel paint range is being improved with a launch of a new 145 paint range. The basing textured paints as well as the liquid green stuff are particularly interesting. Find out more from their YouTube video.
Wednesday, March 28, 2012
New Painting Tutorials
YouTube's ddrummer27 has begun a new series of painting tutorials. Below are the first three. Enjoy!
Tuesday, March 27, 2012
Surcoat Set Up for Gary Con IV
I thought it might be fun to show off some of the pics I took of the set up for Surcoat I used at Gary Con IV, and also for the previous weekend at the EN World Chicago Gameday as well as with my weekly group a few days prior to that. That's Ernie who hung out while I was setting it up and chatted with me about minis and gaming in general. I got to try out his friend's upcoming boardgame, Seven Sisters, later in the weekend, so there will be more on that soon too. Note the minis we used for Surcoat include many lines like DDM, Mage Knight, GW Warhammer, and even some old Dragon Strike figs. Enjoy!
Monday, March 26, 2012
Cavern Terrain from Dungeon Master Mark
YouTuber wwwdungeonmastermark's recent video is a quick look at his cavern terrain set. Enjoy!
Sunday, March 25, 2012
Feudality Unboxing
There's a cool game from Z-Man Games called Feudality which I got to play at Gary Con with the original designer, Tom Wham, last Thursday afternoon. Thankfully, YouTube's coobeBGG channel shared of video of an unboxing of this fun game. They could use a bit more info on this video but nevertheless, enjoy!
Saturday, March 24, 2012
Warhammer Scenery and More
YouTube's bluetablepainting channel has a new video showing a 40K battle and the scenery is very inspiring. Enjoy!
Friday, March 23, 2012
Basing Tips from
YouTube's miniwargamerj channel has a couple of videos with basing tips well worth a watch. Check them out here!
Thursday, March 22, 2012
A G Productions DVD Restock
Over on A G Production's YouTube channel, they've announced that they have restocked some of their most popular painting tutorial videos. Check it out to learn more!
Wednesday, March 21, 2012
RHQ-TV Episode 98 on YouTube
RHQ-TV takes a closer look at Trollbloods and brings the goods on other subjects too. Enjoy!
Tuesday, March 20, 2012
What's in the Box for Dream Spirit Wargaming?
DreamSpiritWar(Gaming)'s YouTube channel has a new(ish) video with the unavailing of the contents of a package containing- Well, go have a look. It's some cool stuff.
Monday, March 19, 2012
Mantic Orcs
In a conversation on Facebook, the subject of Mantic Miniatures came up, and I took another look at their lines and found something I particularly liked. Take a look at their Kings of War line and see if the pricing and style of the Orc Army Set isn't to your liking. Read more here!
Sunday, March 18, 2012
Surcoat Medieval Fatasy Combat Miniatures Game
Great fun last Wednesday and yesterday running a couple of games of Surcoat Medieval Fatasy Combat Miniatures Game. There's some pictures here from the event and the gameday. Enjoy!
Saturday, March 17, 2012
Dreamblade Miniatures Conversion
Many folks will tell you that if you are hodge podging together a ragtag Medieval Fantasy miniatures army or swelling the ranks of your collection of figures to use for tabletop roleplaying games, one of the best ways to get some minis on the cheap is to pick some up from models from defunct miniature game lines and perhaps even make some conversions or adjustments like re-basing them. There's a good video on bensrpgpile2's YouTube channel showing how to do just that with some old Dreamblade miniatures. Check it out!
Sweet Deal,
Friday, March 16, 2012
Fantasy Landscape Board from Dream Spirit Wargaming
Over on DreamSpiritWar(Gaming)'s YouTube channel, Milos shows off a Fantasy landscape board commission in his latest studio update video. Enjoy!
Game Table,
Thursday, March 15, 2012
Inside the board game renaissance
There's a cool artcle at called "Inside the board game renaissance" that discusses the
rejuvenated market and interest in boardgames, particularly Euro games, that is well worth checking out. Read more here!
rejuvenated market and interest in boardgames, particularly Euro games, that is well worth checking out. Read more here!
Wednesday, March 14, 2012
Essay on the Wargaming Industry
There are a couple of particularly interesting essays on the history of the wargaming industry, and the tabltop gaming industry in general, that give some details about our hobby that many will find fascinating. I know I did, even though much of what is in them was familiar to me. I think having those details put into context helped me take a new look at how things have unfolded in a new light. So check out "The Fall of Avalon Hill" from Peter L. de Rosa (written in the late Nineties) and "SPI Died for your Sins" from Greg Costikyan (written in 1996). Both very good reads.
Tuesday, March 13, 2012
Building a Battle Arena
YouTube's DungeonMasterMark (no relation ;-) ) is building a battle arena and has put a quick video together to show us his progress. Check it out!
Monday, March 12, 2012
TerranScapes Looks at Hirst Arts Bridges
There's a great in-depth look at some bridges built using Hirst Arts molds on the TerranScapes YouTube channel. Enjoy!
Sunday, March 11, 2012
CharGen Flowchart
Check out this simple but elegant flowchart for character generation for players of an early Medieval Fantasy tabletop roleplaying game. It's fun and humorous!
Saturday, March 10, 2012
Ork Painting Tutorials from MiniwargamerJ on YouTube
Over on MiniwargamerJ's YouTube channel, he has compiled a list of his Ork Painting Tutorials. Check them out!
Friday, March 9, 2012
Tectonic Craft Studios Kickstarter Project
There's some fantastic terrain in the offing that has a Kickstarter Project already funded but continuing to rock, and it's no doubt due to the high quality of the work. Check out what Tectonic Studios is doing and see if you'd like to get on board while there's still a bit of time. Enjoy!
Thursday, March 8, 2012
Battle Systems Terrain
Check out the gallery over at to see some of their excellent print and fold scifi terrain. It's amazing!
Wednesday, March 7, 2012
Orc Scouting Party Diorama
Over on E F Smick's YouTube channel is a cool video of a diorama he made ages ago of a seven member Orc Scouting Party coming over a rocky hill. Check it out!
Mold Making,
Tuesday, March 6, 2012
Boardgaming at the Game Developers Conference
So, where do videogame developers go when they want to unwind before diving into the Game Developers Conference? Apparently many go to the boardgaming room event! Find out more watching this YouTube video on snicholson's channel.
Monday, March 5, 2012
Deadeye Jedi
A recent pictorial shows how one artist has given some scifi standbys a western make over. Enjoy!
Sunday, March 4, 2012
Good Old Gelatinous Cube
Some recent additions into the canon of gelatinous cube art include the fine works of DungeonMasterMark on his YouTube channel. Check it out!
Saturday, March 3, 2012
Dungeon Crawl Boardgames
Over on, they have made a list of the Top Ten Dungeon Crawl Board Games. See if you agree!

Friday, March 2, 2012
Painting "Metallics" on Miniatures
Over on the figurequest YouTube channel is a cool tutorial on how to paint metallics on miniatures. Enjoy!
Thursday, March 1, 2012
Ruined Cemetery
An E F Smick YouTube video showcases an excellent display base for some miniatures fashioned as a Ruined Cemetery. Enjoy!
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