Saturday, June 30, 2012

Dream Spirit Wargaming's Wolfen Paint Tutorial

There's a cool Wolfen painting tutorial on the dreamspiritwar YouTube channel.  Enjoy!

Friday, June 29, 2012

Recent Old School Wargaming

My buddy Larry was up from N.C. recently and we broke out Tactics II, though the game was cut short by family obligations. Nevertheless, it's always good to see him and get some gaming in.

And this week, the regular group gave Kingmaker a whirl, finishing up with a major alliance formed to avoid a potential stalemate!

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Painting Horse Miniatures with Doctor Faust

Doctor Faust, over on his YouTube channel, ThePaintingClinic, has a new video on how to paint horse miniatures.  Enjoy!

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Painting Authentic Chainmail on Miniatures

Tom Nelson, the Midwest Miniatures Guy, has a new video over on the ddrummer27 YouTube channel detailing how to paint authentic chainmail on miniatures.  Enjoy!

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

2012 Howard County Soap Box Derby

The Kokomo Herald recently posted a video on their YouTube channel about the 2012 Howard County Soap Box Derby including some video from a driver's perspective.  A pleasant reminder to us all that model-making is a hobby with many facets and they can all feed one another.  Enjoy!

Monday, June 25, 2012

TerranScapes Shows Us Water Effect Application

Over on his YouTube channel, TerranScapes shows us how to handle Water Effect Applications.  Enjoy!

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Minis Storage Video from Doctor Faustus

Over on The Painting Clinic YouTube channel, Doctor Faustus shows us one way he likes to transport his armies, how to build the case, as well as how to set up the minis so they are secure and ready for play.  Enjoy!

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Roll20 GM Overview Video

Check out this new gaming interface called Roll20 in a YouTube video that gives a GM overview.  You can also read more here, get involved in their Beta test, and there's even a Kickstarter that has already been funded to the tune of 39+K (of the 5K they were looking to raise!) to make it even better.  Enjoy!

Friday, June 22, 2012

New Dwarven Forge Video

Check out the new Dwarven Forge video on their YouTube channel and see the chin-strokingly good acting chops of Tavis Allison.  Enjoy!

Thursday, June 21, 2012

What Wargamers Do . . .

There's an Internet meme going around on Facebook and elsewhere about What Wargamers Do and What People Think Wargamers Do that's just too humorous not to share.  Enjoy!

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Waterfall Board from Battleboards UK

Battleboards UK has some pics on their Facebook page of a great battleboard featuring waterfalls.  Check them out here!

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Mini Wargamer J's 40K Necron Wraith

Another excellent YouTube video from miniwargamerj, this time from his 40K Friday series showing his paint job on the GW Necron Wraith.  Enjoy!

Monday, June 18, 2012

Litko Horses

There are a couple of very useful, well-designed horse minis from Litko that are like none I have ever seen.  Check them out here and here!

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Brovatar's Minis Blog

There is a blog being run by a fine painter named Brovatar with some amazing examples of his painting and conversion work that you just have to see.  See and read more here!

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Dark Sword Miniatures YouTube Channel

Dark Sword Miniatures has a YouTube channel and their only video is titled "Dark Sword Miniatures - Masterworks Miniature Painting with Jen Haley and Anne Foerster" but it has some very good tips packed into the three minutes it runs.  Enjoy!

Friday, June 15, 2012

Doctor Faust on How to Paint Weapons and Armor

On The Painting Clinic YouTube channel, Doctor Faust shows "How To Paint Weapons & Armor On Miniatures."  Enjoy!

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Terrainaholic Interviews "Let's Cut Foam" Carlo

The most excellent terrainaholic has a new YouTube video up in which he interviews Carlo from Let's Cut Foam fame.  Enjoy!

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Painting 101 from Mini Wargamer J Part 2

Miniwargamerj has posted the second video to YouTube in his new series, this one titled "Miniature Painting 101 - Part 2 - All about Paints."  Enjoy!

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Plastic Soldier Review

There is a very useful website called on which you will find not only reviews but great images of figures as well as listing from many well-known and obscure manufacturers.  It is geared toward 1/72nd scale miniatures but the paint jobs and other inspirations one can get for many scale projects will be helpful to all miniature figure enthusiasts.  Read more here!

Monday, June 11, 2012

Tabletop Forge: The Virtual Tabletop for Google+ Hangouts

There is a new Kickstarter project for Tabletop Forge: The Virtual Tabletop for Google+ Hangouts.  Check it out and see if it is something you would like to support!

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Ship Shape

While the "Play It Again, Sam" blog is not in English, it has a graphic showing a ship with all of the features labelled and lots of other great pictures of miniatures including some ships. Read and see more here!

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Jenseits von Theben

I had a very good time yesterday playing a board game that was new to me, though it came out in 2004, called Jenseits von Theben.  Definitely one to try out the next time you're looking for a fun game to play.  Read more on Board Game Geek here.  In the words of the publisher -

Jenseits von Theben is a game of competitive archeology. Players are archaeologists who must travel around Europe to acquire knowledge about five ancient civilizations -- the Greeks, the Cretans, the Egyptians, the Palestinians, and the Macedonians -- and then must use this knowledge to excavate historical sites in the areas of these civilizations. Periodically, there are expositions at major European cities, and the archaeologist who shows up on time with the best collection of artifacts (plus a minor die roll) wins the purse. The archaeologist who learns the most about the civilizations, claims the greatest-valued artifacts, and presents the biggest collection to the European exhibitions will win out over his or her colleagues.

Friday, June 8, 2012

Cheap Mini Zombies

The YouTube channel of blackbarnz highlights some Cheap Zombie Minis.  Enjoy!

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Origins of Reaper Miniatures

There's a cool video that was uploaded to YouTube last month of Ed Pugh, the CEO and Founder of Reaper Miniatures, explaining the origins of their business.  Enjoy!

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Miniatures Painting 101 from Mini Wargamer J on YouTube

miniwargamerj's YouTube channel has a new series in the offing beginning with "Miniature Painting 101 - Part 1 - The Tools of the Trade."  Enjoy!

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Painting Authentic Tartans

Over on Facebook, once again, the Midwest Miniatures Guy, Tom Nelson, has some good tips on painting some authentic Tartans. Read more here!

Monday, June 4, 2012

Authentic Chainmail Painting Tips

Over on Facebook, the Midwest Miniatures Guy, Tom Nelson, has some good tips on painting some authentic Chainmail.  Read more here!

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Doctor Faust's Painting Clinic - Black Dragon

Catch the four videos in Doctor Faust's Painting Clinic series on the Warhammer Dark Elves Black Dragon.  Enjoy!

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Squidgybridgy's Warhammer Dwarf Thunderers

Over on Squidgybridge's Apocalypse Gaming YouTube channel, there's a new video showing off some Warhammer Dwarf Thunderers that were painted up quite nicely though he had some trouble with the sealer.  Always good advice in his videos.  Enjoy!

Friday, June 1, 2012

Terrainaholic Update

It's been a little while since we've gotten much from Terrainaholic besides his Adepticon videos but here's a quick update from him.  Enjoy!