Monday, October 27, 2014

Minis & Modeling Monday - Bits Boxes, Bases and Banners, & Battling Boats

James Wappel, on his Wappellious blog, recently reminded us to "Always eat your leftovers" as he showed us a way to make something from the bits box here.

Also, on the Fencing Frog blog, they treated us to a photo array of "Dark Age Bases and Banner."  See more here.

Finally, on the Monsieur le Rosbif & Johnny Frog blog, there are a boatload of photos from a recent wargaming naval battle from last month's "Against all Flags! - Pirates in September 2014 Event."  See more here.

A look at prepping and painting Miniatures,
crafting buildings and paper Models,
and other non-terrain stuff for the tabletop..
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