Monday, February 16, 2015

Minis & Modeling Monday - Ironwind Metals, Perry Miniatures, & Sleepy Hollow Mini

Located in Woodlawn, OH, Ironwind Metals is a solid Sci-Fi and Fantasy miniatures provider that I have used a number of times in the past and often see at Midwest conventions.  Check them out here.

Also, while I'm plugging some good minis providers, "Perry Miniatures is run by well known 28mm sculptors Alan & Michael Perry. They are former sculptors of Foundry and Games Workshop."  See more of their stuff here.

Finally, not last episode but the one before, on Sleepy Hollow, one of the characters was holding a miniature and I grabbed a screenshot.  Can you identify it?  Looks like a 54mm or 60mm figures, perhaps a female, though there is only a view of its back.  Maybe Thunderbolt?

A look at prepping and painting Miniatures,
crafting buildings and paper Models,
and other non-terrain stuff for the tabletop..
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