We got Rise of Augustus (2013) back to the table early this month. I like to call this Roman Bingo. It's amazing how tense it can get hoping your needed symbol is drawn from the bag before someone else gets what they need. Great fun!
I've already mentioned Architects of the West Kingdom (2018) in other posts and I played it a lot the last couple of months but I don't doubt I will play it more throughout the summer. It's a clever game but I think it is going to need some expansions to keep it fresh beyond a few more plays. In this instance, we were happy Tom's longtime friend Mike Bell was in town to join us. Don't ask him what the "A" on his hat stands for because it seems to change with some frequency. Later in the month, but before getting in that game at the Pizza Ranch, Tom, Brad, and I knocked out yet another game of Architects!
There was also a good deal of Love Letter, Magic the Gathering, Stone Age, and more squeezed in at one time or another but it's time to gear up for a lot of boardgaming and card play at Nexus Game Fair, so I say, So long," to May and look forward to gaming in June. Go, Cubbies!
Mostly about card games and board games,
unless they have a decidedly wargamey feel.
unless they have a decidedly wargamey feel.
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