Friday, December 26, 2014

Tabletopper Friday - Tabletop w/ Wil Wheaton, Bohnanza on GameNight!, & Claustrophobia on Starlit Citadel

Over on the Geek & Sundry YouTube channel, Wil Wheaton hosts another episode of TableTop while playing two games, Hare&Tortoise as well as Council of Verona with guests: Alison Haislip, Jessica Merizan, and David Kwong.  Enjoy.

Also, on the Board Game Geek TV YouTube channel, the GameNight! crew play Bohnanza.  Enjoy.

Finally, on the Starlit Citadel YouTube channel Kaja Sadowski and Joanna Gaskell review the Claustrophobia Expansions De Profundis and Furor Sanguinis.  Enjoy.

Mostly about card games and board games,
unless they have a decidedly wargamey feel.
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